Let's Team Up

  • You are no longer alone

  • You are guided

  • You are supported


Personal Assessment

We'll start by understanding your current situation and goals, with no pressure or judgment. Your coach will meet you where you are and tailor the program to your unique circumstances and aspirations. Together, we'll create a supportive and empowering environment for your health and fitness journey.

Check In With Your Coach

You will connect with your coach through live video or calls before starting and regularly throughout your journey. These check-ins ensure open communication, allowing you to discuss progress, address concerns, and adjust the plan as needed. Your coach will support you every step of the way, ensuring the program aligns with your evolving needs and goals.

Tailored Plan

You will receive a personalized program tailored to your unique situation, priorities, and abilities. Your coach will consider your individual needs, goals, and capabilities to create a customized plan. This personalized approach ensures the program aligns with your specific circumstances, allowing you to progress at your own pace.

Nutritional Guidance

Your coach will provide the tools to reach and sustain your goals while maintaining a healthy relationship with food. They will guide you in finding a balanced approach to nutrition, helping you make informed choices. With their support, you'll learn to nourish your body and enjoy food without feeling restricted, achieving lasting success and a positive mindset around eating.

Food Diary

Keep a diary to increase self-awareness. Share your food, drink, and feelings with your coach. This helps you understand your eating habits and emotions. Your coach can then offer personalized guidance based on this information, aiding you in making positive changes and achieving your goals. The diary is a valuable tool for tracking progress and gaining insights.

Learn New Habits & Skills

As you begin your journey, you'll learn, practice, and adopt a new lifestyle. Essential skills are broken down into simple daily practices. By focusing on small steps each day, you'll gradually build the habits needed for a healthy lifestyle. This approach ensures successful implementation and maintenance of positive changes, leading to long-term success and a rewarding way of living.

And to support your actions:

A FREE ios/android App

You will have access to a coaching app for convenient communication and tracking. The app lets you message your coach, share updates, and access resources. It ensures you stay motivated, accountable, and connected, providing ongoing support for a seamless coaching experience.

Performance Tracking

You can track your progress in areas like body composition and performance using our tools. Regular assessments help you see your achievements and make informed adjustments. Your coach will guide you on tracking methods and data interpretation, empowering you to stay motivated and improve continuously.

Consistency Tracking

You can track your program consistency and adjust as needed with your coach's guidance. Monitoring adherence helps you understand progress and identify areas for improvement. Your coach will analyze your consistency, suggest necessary adjustments, and ensure your program stays aligned with your goals and evolving needs. This collaborative approach maximizes your chances of success.

You are the boss of your own journey.
and it starts now !

  • We'll start where you are and focus on your priorities. You have the freedom to choose what YOU WANT to do.
  • Together, we'll discuss your goals and you'll have the autonomy to decide the next steps.
  • You choose the frequency of follow-up sessions: weekly, every two weeks, or monthly. We tailor the approach to your preferences, providing a personalized experience that meets your needs and lifestyle.

What The Coachees Say:

" Thanks to Yannick, I've not only transformed my body but also my mental dynamism. His personalized coaching, attentive listening, and holistic approach truly make a difference. I highly recommend him to anyone looking to transform their life. "

Michael D, 54, Entrepreneur, Japan

" Yannick's coaching after few months has been proven a must have to achieve my fitness goals. Best investment ever "

Benoit G, 34, CEO, China

"Yannick transformed me within six months with a dedicated training program for my Ironman 70.3 Nice triathlon. His comprehensive approach, covering physical, nutritional, and mental aspects, made all the difference."

Alain K, 42, Ironman Finisher

"I used to think long-distance triathletes were aliens. Now, thanks to Yannick, I might just be one of them!"

Khoi P, 42, Ironman Finisher

Personal Coaching from 89$US* / Month Only

*For the subscription to a coaching plan with a monthly check-in session.

3 Subscription Options:

  • No matter which subscription you choose, you'll receive comprehensive support and access. The primary difference is in the number of check-in sessions with your coach and the frequency of plan adjustments.
  • Subscribe monthly and enjoy the flexibility to pause or stop the program anytime. Alternatively, commit for a full year and receive a complimentary month, paying for 11 months but getting 12.
  • All plans provide individualized guidance, accountability, and tools to help you achieve your goals.
  • all the subscriptions include:
    • A 50min initial session
    • 50min check-in sessions
    • Nutrition Coaching
    • Healthy Habits Coaching
    • Exercise Coaching
    • Free Coaching APP
    • Unlimited Messages With Your Coach


    89$US / Month

    or 979$US for one Year
    • Initial consultation
    • Individualized programs
    • Check-in once a month
    • Unlimited messages
    • 1x plan adjustment / month
    Subscribe monthly for $89 USD per month with the flexibility to pause or cancel at any time. Alternatively, commit for a full year for $979 USD and enjoy a complimentary month.


    129$US / Month

    or 1419$US for one Year
    • Initial consultation
    • Individualized programs
    • Check-in every 2 weeks
    • Unlimited messages
    • 2x plan adjustments / month
    Subscribe monthly for $129 USD per month with the flexibility to pause or cancel at any time. Alternatively, commit for a full year for $1419 USD and enjoy a complimentary month.


    209$US / Month

    or 2299$US for one Year
    • Initial consultation
    • Individualized programs
    • Check-in every week
    • Unlimited messages
    • Unlimited plan adjustments
    Subscribe monthly for $209 USD per month with the flexibility to pause or cancel at any time. Alternatively, commit for a full year for $2299 USD and enjoy a complimentary month.

    Spots are limited to a certain number of clients. The subscription options may not be accessed until we have new spots available. In case no spots are available you'll be able to join a waiting list.

    30 Days Guarantee

    Experience my personalized coaching approach for 30 days. If you feel it hasn't met your expectations, you can request a full refund at the end of the guarantee period. I am confident that by following my recommendations, you will see notable improvements in your health, fitness, and overall happiness. Take the first step and let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

    100% money back
    no justification required